Data Protection

New International Church (NIC) 
Jakobstr. 56 2504 Biel – Switzerland 
Tel: +41 (0)32 322 42 62 
Email: mentorship(at)
Webmaster: ministry(at) 
Website: info(at)

The utilization of intellectual property of the organization or of a third party on this website is not allowed.

Personal Data
By showing interest in general information of the organization, or subscribing to our newsletter as well as by donating you are deciding to transfer to us your personal data by using our internet-address form. Thereby the organization is using your email address to confirm your payment by email. Due to your specifications we will occasionally send you information by post. Generally the organization does not give any data to external people or other organizations. Your address is only used for informational emails and advertising campaigns for products as well as appeals for financial support of the organization. According to the data protection law of Switzerland you are authorized to come to know if and which of your personal data we are storing. It is possible to correct commissioned data or to renounce the approach. Please let us know in written form by writing an email to ministry(at)

Credit card 
If you entrust us with your credit card number it will be transferred encoded under high security measure and is stored exclusively for bills at our swiss financial service company (kindly note the privacy policy of our financial service company).

Links does not assume liability for the activity, contents or linking of third party websites.

For further information about data protection on the organizations website please contact our webmaster under ministry(at)


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